Curate Property Listings
With Ease

We make sharing real estate insights fun.

Curate Property Listings With Ease

We make sharing real estate insights fun.
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Here are some ways we can help
Here are some ways PropertySquares helps you curate listings

Keep track of properties

We can track properties you save here and notify you of any interesting changes.

The data you save on PropertySquares is yours to use as you wish. It will still be there even when the listing it references is gone and you can download it whenever you wish.

Keep track of properties

We can track properties you save here and notify you of any interesting changes.

The data you save on PropertySquares is yours to use as you wish. It will still be there even when the listing it references is gone and you can download it whenever you wish.

Get advice from experts

Estate agents are a source of useful knowledge but they can be hard to work with.

We allow you to get professional advice on your own terms. You do not have to submit any contact details or information you are not comfortable with sharing.


Get advice from experts

Estate agents are a source of useful knowledge but they can be hard to work with.

We allow you to get professional advice on your own terms. You do not have to submit any contact details or information you are not comfortable with sharing.

Our Pricing
For Individuals
Track up to 25 Properties
Collaborate With Friends
Ask For Professional Help
Manage Places of Interest

For Small Agencies
Unlimited Properties
Create And Manage User Accounts
Lead Generation Funnel
Custom Calendar
Email Support
Your Own Subdomain

For Large Agencies
Custom Hosted Whitelabel Solution